Sowing The Good Life….

A blog from a friend. A young lady, Wife and new mother.

She’s going to teach you all about a lad back,down to earth way of living…..She might even teach you how to become content and happy.
My first read of her new site..

You gonna eat that figgy paper?

I never really knew fresh figs until I moved to Alabama. There used to be a “fig man” down the road that sold a box of figs for about $12. I think it was a gallon of figs, but it seemed like a lot more. Man they are like candy! So good, sweet, soft, mmmmmmm yummy. So I guess it was the summer before last we found him and started stocking up on figs. Well not so much stocking up, as getting them and eating them like crazy for a month. Then last year the fig man died, and his wife tried to sell them. She wasn’t available daily like he was, but when she was, we’d load up on a box of figs every time we drove by. I believe they were mission figs.

Check her blog out……go to this link:

About 3lanterns

a conservative constitutionalist and a Mac fanatic View all posts by 3lanterns

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